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Campus content

Prolyte’s Technical Truss Training will bring you an advanced understanding of the technical properties, its potential and its practical limits. Bringing over 25 years of truss manufacturing to the table, Prolyte will give you an insight into the different types of truss, their applications and structural basics. To understand the different types of truss and help you pick the right product for the job you will learn more about the different forces occurring in the truss as well as different types of loads and how they are calculated. By understanding and being aware of loads, forces, truss and connection types and truss maintenance and inspection, participants will be one step closer to safe and efficient truss usage.

Prolyte Technical Truss Training content

  • Understanding the Prolyte truss philosophy, including in-depth background information 
  • Framework theory and truss for the entertainment Industry 
  • Truss as load bearing elements, external and internal forces 
  • Statically determinate and statically indeterminate systems 
  • Lifting of truss by means of chain hoists 
  • Tower stability and Ground support systems 
  • Connectivity of different brands of truss 
  • Load application to and suspension of truss circles 
  • Periodic inspection of truss
  • Latest rules for truss – the impact of SS-EN 17115:2018 
  • Load testing and overloading of truss 
  • Q&A – everything you ever wished to ask a manufacturer of truss 


6 november Kl 09:00–16:00


8 november Kl 09:00–16:00
Dockyard Hotel

Har du frågor? Ring Björn på 010-47 00 270 eller maila oss på


Matthias Moeller
Senior Technical Advisor

Inspireras av en av Prolytes främsta experter

Having worked for a Prolyte Distributor before joining the Prolyte team, Matthias is a true Prolyte veteran, he has worked for one of the German distribution partners for over 15 years, where he has acquired profound knowledge of trussing, hoisting, rigging and staging. In his role of Technical Consultant he is a specialist for all brands of the Prolyte Group. Matthias is actively involved in the development and implementation of national and European standards and regulations in DIN, VBG, IGVW and CEN workgroups and is a returning speaker on several international events. Next to that he finds time to do the occasional training – a thing he just loves to do.

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